Resident engagement made easy

Everything you need to comply with resident engagement requirements under the Building Safety Act and Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 for occupied high-rise residential blocks.

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What do you need to do?

Building Safety Act

Under the Building Safety Act, principal accountable persons and accountable persons of occupied high-rise residential blocks must:

  • prepare a resident engagement strategy
  • act in accordance with the strategy
  • review and revise the strategy and keep a record of the reviews
  • provide the latest version to each resident over the age of 16; owners of each residential unit and other accountable persons
  • when necessary, consult residents, owners of residential units, and accountable persons about the strategy and take their opinions into account
  • keep a log of resident profiles
  • tell residents about building safety work including who will carry out the work
  • involve residents in building safety decisions
  • measure and review participation
  • operate a complaints procedure that residents and others can use to raise safety concerns
  • operate a mandatory occurrence reporting system for residents, accountable persons and other building users to raise safety concerns where, if not remedied, are likely to cause death or injury to a significant number of people

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

Under the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, responsible persons of occupied high-rise residential blocks must:

  • send residents information relating to the importance of fire doors in fire safety at least annually
  • send fire safety instructions directly to residents at least annually
  • keep records of fire/evacuation lift and other key fire-fighting equipment monthly checks – and those records must be accessible to residents of the building

How can BlockPro help?

Building Safety Act

Send notifications, create polls, gather opinions and store responses

The Building Safety Act requires accountable persons to consult all residents over the age of 16, owners of residential units, and other accountable persons about the resident engagement strategy and building safety work.

Accountable persons must measure and review participation and responses.

BlockPro allows you to consult via email directly from the system – including creating polls – then store responses and comments.

Building Safety Act
Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

One-click circulation of mandatory documents

Accountable persons must:

  • provide the latest version of resident engagement strategies and complaints procedures to new residents and other accountable persons
  • send new versions each time they are updated.

Additionally, Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 require responsible persons to circulate fire safety information annually and to new residents.

BlockPro automatically reminds you when each is due and allows you to distribute via email directly from the system in a few clicks.

Building Safety Act

Store resident profiles

As part of the building safety case, the Building Safety Act requires accountable persons to keep information about residents that can have an impact on building safety risks and emergency plans, for example, residents:

  • who cannot evacuate without help
  • whose first language is not English


BlockPro has a dedicated resident profile feature for you to store such information so it’s always to hand when needed. This includes all residents over the age of 16 and not just leaseholders and/or tenants (as per the Act).

Building Safety Act
Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

Automated reminders

Accountable persons must review the resident engagement strategy:

  • at least every 2 years
  • after every consultation of the strategy
  • after a mandatory occurrence report
  • after the completion of significant material alterations to the building

Each review must be recorded whether or not changes are made.

BlockPro automatically reminds you when each two-year review is due, allows you to enter manual reviews where necessary – then keeps a record.

Similarly, BlockPro reminds you to distribute annual fire safety information – required under Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022.

BlockPro dashboard
Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

Provide resident and third-party access to H&S records

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 requires records to be kept of all monthly checks on fire lifts (where applicable) and other fire safety equipment. These records must be accessible to residents of the building.

With BlockPro, give residents digital access to relevant health & safety records, useful documents and more via a secure portal.

Building Safety Act

Integrated mandatory occurrence reporting system

BlockPro allows all residents, accountable persons and others who use the building to instantly report incidents.

Notifications are automatically sent via email for review and action – then logged for future reference.

Similarly, the Building Safety Act stipulates residents and others should have access to a complaints system to raise concerns about something that could cause a building safety incident.

BlockPro integrates such a system which runs alongside the mandatory occurrence feature.

BlockPro mandatory occurrence reporting system

What else does BlockPro do?

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Golden thread compliance

Use BlockPro as your golden thread of information for occupied high-rise residential blocks.

Block information is:

  • kept digitally
  • kept securely
  • a building’s single source of truth
  • available to people who need the information to do a job
  • available when the person needs the information
  • presented in a way that person can use.
BlockPro dashboard

Comply with Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

Track and record mandatory tasks required under the regulations, including:

  • fire door inspections
  • resident fire safety information
  • lifts and other fire fighting equipment inspections and service records
  • secure information box (SIB) checks
  • wayfinding signage checks
  • and more.
BlockPro dashboard

Track and record day-to-day management tasks

Track and store budgets, accounts, insurance policy documents and other important reports, certificates and files.

Track supplier contracts, service visits, utilities, insurance claims and more.

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